TIPS DETAIL - Curry Veppilai
The main nutrients found in curry leaves are carbohydrates (கார்போஹைட்ரேட்), energy, fibre, calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, copper (செப்பு) and minerals (கனிமங்கள்)
For Diarrhea & Piles -
- Tender curry leaves mixed with honey are used for diarrhea & piles
For indigestion -
- If you are suffering from indigestion due to excessive intake of fatty food, just take a tablespoon of freshly grounded curry leave’s juice with a little lime juice and sugar.
Prevent Diabetes -
- Just by eating 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves every morning, in empty stomach will prevent diabetes.
Premature Greying of Hair -
- Intake to curry leaves is considered useful in preventing premature greying of hair. The leaves have property to nourish the hair root.
- Curry leaves with Hibiscus boiled with coconut oil can be used as hair oil which would delay greying of hair.